
Old English worðscip, wurðscip (Anglian), weorðscipe (West Saxon) “condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown,” from weorð “worthy”

This is a controversial issue, as the modern new-age meanings of the word are so extremely different from the original concept. The meaning of the New Testament Greek word most often translated “worship” (proskuneo) is “to fall down before” or “bow down before.”  All the old Testament words used all have exactly the same meaning.

In English courtroom a Judge is addressed as “Your worship”. The judge would be introduced as His Worship  …… this is the correct use of the word.  It means that you recognise the judges authority over all matters before him and that you are in submission to his word. No one would upon hearing the judge was present would leap up and start singing and dancing, chanting meaningful words in a meaningless way…. – that is not worship. Paying attention and obeying is, otherwise you will be in contempt of the court and could end up in prison.

As for us worship is central to our supplication “Holy Father, My King, My Lord, My God, strengthen and renew my submission and obedience as I bend knee to Your Rule” Obedience is totally voluntary, as is having a Lord God and King, no one could or should force you to enter the Kingdom of God.

Old and new testament words for worship are all in agreement, they all mean the same thing, to bow down and accept God as absolute King, Lord and God.

The new-age meaning is to dance and sing making meaningless noise, chanting meaningful words in a meaningless way at certain places and times. But the observation of Gods Word is less than optional.

Yes King David danced and sang, but his worship was his within his heart and mind that soared in reclaiming Gods place in his life, David knew God was his King, Lord and God. As a result of right relationship he rejoiced in song and dance, but his worship was on his knees before God.

Put very simply, whatever you obey, whatever claims you time, whatever is dominates your mind, heart, body and attention/affection, that is what you worship. If God is for Sundays and meetings but your church, football, porn, money, sex, TV, computers, games, your looks or ego, fill you mind most of the time then that is your god. Not the Holy Father.

Many religious worship the buildings, liturgy, the costumes, the funny hats, the office, but have no time for the living God who demands their obedience… Don’t ever confuse the clubhouse denominations with the Church, There is only one Church, the head of which is Christ. People own the denominations, God owns the Church.  No leader on earth speaks for God, no club no denomination.

Some even worship the Bible, where their attention is solely on applying the Word of God to others but not to them selves… What the Word says should be applied as Christ applied the word with immense forgiveness, kindness and mercy.  Those who worship the bible are known for their hate, rage and anger. The word of God is a double edged sword, it must be applied to our self’s first, cutting to the core…. After that we can humbly offer it to others with respect. But never as a weapon, but as an ever empowering defence.
– God hates the self-righteous.

We hold the Bible is Gods Holy Word and Christ is His Word made Flesh… BUT it is not a weapon to beat people up with. Christ in perfect harmony with Gods word showed how it should be applied. Being right does not give you the right to treat another person with less courtesy than Christ does. Christ respects our right to be wrong, so should we. Knowing how to share is only found on your knees humbly before God, noting how Christ applies the truth to your self, “now go and do like wise.”
– Being right does not give you the right.

Those who are Gods disciples are like Christ, with His attitude, His Mercy, His Kindness.  We are to be family, brothers and sisters to those have none.  Being right about facts is far less important than a right heart, if the heart is wrong no words no matter how right they are of any value at all.
– Empty vessels makes the most noise.

I highly recommend the book, “The Imitation of Christ” by Thomas Harkemon (A Kempis)

I learnt much from him… The Bound Humble Heart is a joy so see and to express

Holy Father I bind my self to your ways as I seek to imitate Christ, bind your self to me, help me to see as you see, do as you do, love as you love, forgive as you forgive …



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